:: Nashville, TN ::
Company Hiring: TBA
Event dates: 3/19 – 3/20
Event Location: TBA
Model specs: looking for 50 models, male and females ages 18+, all hair types welcome but must be open to haircuts and color, long & short haircuts will be featured. Female models should be size 6 or smaller due to wardrobe size availability
Rate: *Total Potential = $500 for both show days & Prep if utilized for all*
*$200 per show day (Sunday & Monday 3/19 & 3/20: models may only be utilized for one day, but have potential for two days)
*$100 for hair prep day (Saturday 3/18 as needed, not all models will be prepped)
Model call location and time: Friday, 3/17 @ 6pm
Email: reelkasting@gmail.com
Subject Line: Tennessee Model
- Current Body Shot
- Current headshot
- Resume
- Contact number